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- addEmployee() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to add a new employee to the system.
- addEmployee(String, String, float, Time[]) - Method in class Database
Adds a new employee to the employees table.
- addFoodItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to add a new food item to the system.
- addFoodItem(int) - Method in class MenuItem
Adds a food item ID to the list of food items associated with this menu item.
- addFoodItem(String, String, Integer[], Double[], Integer[]) - Method in class Database
Adds a new food item to the FoodItems table with a custom food item ID.
- addInventoryItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to add a new inventory item to the system.
- addInventoryItem(String, double, Date) - Method in class Database
Adds a new inventory item to the inventoryitems table with a custom inventory item ID.
- addMenuItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to add a new menu item to the system.
- addMenuItem(String, double, Integer[], Integer[]) - Method in class Database
Adds a new menu item to the MenuItems table with a custom menu item ID.
- addMenuItem(MenuItem) - Method in class Cart
Adds a menu item to the cart, updating the total price and tax accordingly.
- addOrder() - Method in class Main
Displays an alert indicating that adding an order cannot be done at the current time.
- alterInventory() - Method in class MenuItem
Alters the inventory quantities based on the food items associated with this menu item.
- averageDailySales() - Method in class Database
This method returns the daily average sales of the recorded orders.
- Cart - Class in Unnamed Package
This class is used to to represent the cart of the user.
- Cart() - Constructor for class Cart
Initializes a new Cart object with an empty total, tax, and menu items list.
- cashierLogic() - Method in class Main
Manages the logic for the cashier interface, including displaying menu items and handling interactions when items are added to or removed from the cart.
- completeOrder() - Method in class Cart
Completes the order by altering the inventory for each menu item in the cart.
- conn - Variable in class Database
Represents a connection to the database.
- connect() - Method in class Database
This method uses the database URL, username, and password to establish a connection.
- createAlert(String, String, String) - Method in class Main
Creates and displays an alert dialog based on the specified type.
- createFoodForm(MenuItem, ResultSet, String) - Method in class Main
- createSalesReport(Date, Date) - Method in class Database
Creates a sales report for a specific date range, summarizing menu item sales.
- createXReport(Date) - Method in class Database
Creates an X report for a specific date, summarizing total sales per hour.
- createZReport(Date) - Method in class Database
Creates a Z report for a specific date, resetting the total sales for that day.
- Database - Class in Unnamed Package
The Database class provides methods for connecting to a PostgreSQL database, executing queries, and performing various database operations related to menu items, food items, employees, customers, and orders.
- Database(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Database
Constructor of the Database object, does not initialize connection
- deleteEmployee() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to delete an employee from the system.
- deleteEmployee(int) - Method in class Database
Deletes an employee from the database based on the provided employee ID.
- deleteFoodItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to delete a food item from the system.
- deleteFoodItem(String) - Method in class Database
Deletes a food item from the FoodItems table based on the food item name, and removes the food item ID from the foodItem_ids arrays of all MenuItems.
- deleteInventoryItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form to delete an inventory item from the system.
- deleteInventoryItem(String) - Method in class Database
Deletes an inventory item from the database based on the provided item name.
- deleteMenuItem() - Method in class Main
Initiates the deletion of a menu item by generating a form to gather input.
- deleteMenuItem(String) - Method in class Database
Deletes a menu item from the MenuItems table based on the menu item name.
- deleteOrder() - Method in class Main
Displays an alert indicating that deleting an order cannot be done at the current time.
- disconnect() - Method in class Database
This method disconnects from the database and closes the connection between the database and the GUI.
- editDatabase(ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class Main
Edits the database based on the specified action and the provided results.
- editEmployee() - Method in class Main
Generates a form for editing an employee's details.
- editEmployee(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Database
Updates the details of an employee in the Employees table based on the provided edits.
- editFoodItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form for editing a food item's details.
- editFoodItem(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Database
Updates the details of a food item in the FoodItems table based on the provided edits.
- editInventory() - Method in class Main
Generates a form for editing an inventory item's details.
- editInventoryItem(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Database
Updates the details of an inventory item in the inventoryitems table based on the provided edits.
- editMenuItem() - Method in class Main
Generates a form for editing a menu item's details.
- editMenuItem(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Database
Updates the details of a menu item in the MenuItems table based on the provided edits.
- editOrder() - Method in class Main
Displays an alert informing the user that editing an order is not allowed at this time.
- editOrder(ArrayList<String>) - Method in class Database
Updates the details of an order in the Orders table based on the provided edits.
- emptyCart() - Method in class Cart
Empties the cart by clearing all menu items from the list.
- foodItemInventory(String) - Method in class Database
This method returns the amount of ingredients a specified food item uses.
- generateEmployees() - Method in class Main
Generates the employee management page.
- generateFoodItems() - Method in class Main
Generates the food item management page.
- generateForm(ArrayList<String>, String) - Method in class Main
Generates a dynamic form based on the provided parameters and action.
- generateInventory() - Method in class Main
Generates the inventory management page.
- generateMenuItems() - Method in class Main
Generates the menu item management page.
- generateOrders() - Method in class Main
Generates the order management page.
- generatePage(String) - Method in class Main
- getAppetizers() - Method in class Database
Retrieves all items classified as appetizers from the database.
- getCustomerId() - Method in class Database
This method returns a random customer ID.
- getDesserts() - Method in class Database
Retrieves all items classified as desserts from the database.
- getDrinks() - Method in class Database
Retrieves all items classified as drinks from the database.
- getEmployeeId() - Method in class Database
This method returns a random employee ID.
- getEntrees() - Method in class Database
Retrieves all items classified as entrees from the database.
- getFoodInventoryIds(int) - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the inventory IDs associated with a specified food item.
- getFoodItemNames() - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the names of all food items associated with this menu item.
- getInventoryAmounts(int) - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the amounts of inventory associated with a specified food item.
- getInventoryQuantity(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves the quantity of a specific inventory item from the database.
- getMenuIds() - Method in class Cart
Retrieves the menu item IDs of all items currently in the cart.
- getMenuInventoryIds(int) - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the inventory IDs associated with a specified menu item.
- getMenuItemId() - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the menu item ID.
- getName() - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the name of the menu item.
- getSides() - Method in class Database
Retrieves all items classified as sides from the database.
- getTax() - Method in class Cart
Retrieves the calculated tax based on the total price of items in the cart.
- getTotal() - Method in class Cart
Retrieves the total price of all items in the cart.
- getTotal() - Method in class MenuItem
Retrieves the total price of the menu item.
- goToCashier() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the cashier screen of the application.
- goToMain() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the main screen of the application.
- goToManager() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the manager screen of the application.
- goToReport() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the report screen of the application.
- goToSalesReport() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the Sales Report view by setting its style to visible and hiding the X Report and Z Report views.
- goToTemplate() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the database viewer screen of the application.
- goToXReport() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the X Report view by setting its style to visible, applying a translation effect, and hiding the Sales Report and Z Report views.
- goToZReport() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the Z Report view by setting its style to visible, applying a translation effect, and hiding the Sales Report and X Report views.
- lastEmployee() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the previous employee in the list, decrementing the table offset if possible.
- lastFoodItem() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the previous food item in the list, decrementing the table offset if possible.
- lastInventory() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the previous inventory item in the list, decrementing the table offset if possible.
- lastMenuItem() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the previous menu item in the list, decrementing the table offset if possible.
- lastOrder() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the previous order in the list, decrementing the table offset if possible.
- loadBackButton() - Method in class Main
Loads the back button image if the back button is not null.
- loadPanda() - Method in class Main
Loads the panda image into the GUI.
- loadQuestionButton() - Method in class Main
Loads the question button image from the specified resource path and sets it to the questionButton if it is not null.
- main(String[]) - Static method in class Main
The entry point of the application.
- Main - Class in Unnamed Package
The main class for the Panda Express Point-of-Sale application.
- Main() - Constructor for class Main
- MenuItem - Class in Unnamed Package
This class is used to hold the information of a specific menu item the user is ordering.
- MenuItem(int, Database) - Constructor for class MenuItem
Constructs a MenuItem object with the specified menu item ID and database connection.
- nextEmployee() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the next employee in the list by incrementing the table offset.
- nextFoodItem() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the next food item in the list by incrementing the table offset.
- nextInventory() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the next inventory item in the list by incrementing the table offset.
- nextMenuItem() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the next menu item in the list by incrementing the table offset.
- nextOrder() - Method in class Main
Navigates to the next order in the list by incrementing the table offset.
- orderHistory(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves a paginated history of orders from the database, ordered by the most recent first.
- placeOrder(Cart, Timestamp) - Method in class Database
Places an order based on the items in the provided cart and the specified order time.
- printCart() - Method in class Cart
Prints a summary of the cart contents, including the menu item names, prices, total, tax, and grand total.
- printFoodItems(int) - Method in class Database
Prints the food items associated with a specified menu item ID to the console.
- printMenuItems() - Method in class Database
Prints the menu items, including their IDs, names, and prices, to the console.
- query(String) - Method in class Database
This method executes the query that is given and returns the result set of said query.
- removeMenuItem(int) - Method in class Cart
Removes a menu item from the cart by its index, updating the total price and tax accordingly.
- reportInfo() - Method in class Main
Displays an informational alert to guide users on how to enter dates for generating reports.
- selectFood(MenuItem, String) - Method in class Main
- selectFoodItem(MenuItem) - Method in class Main
- sendOrder() - Method in class Main
Sends the current order to the database if the food item form is not open and the cart contains items.
- start(Stage) - Method in class Main
- submitSalesReport() - Method in class Main
Submits a sales report based on the specified date range.
- submitXReport() - Method in class Main
Submits a request to generate an X report based on the date provided in the `currentDate` text field.
- submitZReport() - Method in class Main
Submits a request to generate a Z report based on the date provided in the `currentDate2` text field.
- updateEmployeeHours(int, float) - Method in class Database
Updates the hours worked for a specific employee.
- updateEmployeeSchedule(int, Time[]) - Method in class Database
Updates the schedule for a specific employee.
- updateFoodItemInventoryAmounts(String, Double[]) - Method in class Database
Updates the inventory amounts of a food item based on the provided name.
- updateFoodItemInventoryItemIds(String, Integer[]) - Method in class Database
Updates the inventory item IDs of a food item based on the provided name.
- updateFoodItemName(String, String) - Method in class Database
Updates the name of a food item based on the provided current name.
- updateFoodItemType(String, String) - Method in class Database
Updates the type of a food item based on the provided current name.
- updateInStockFoodItem(int, int, double) - Method in class MenuItem
Updates the in-stock status of a food item based on its available inventory.
- updateInStockMenuItem(int, int) - Method in class MenuItem
Updates the in-stock status of a menu item based on its available inventory.
- updateInventoryItemLastRestocked(String, Date) - Method in class Database
Updates the last restocked date of an inventory item by its name.
- updateInventoryItemQuantity(String, double) - Method in class Database
Updates the quantity of an inventory item by its name.
- updateMenuItemFoodItems(String, Integer[]) - Method in class Database
Updates the food item IDs of a given menu item.
- updateMenuItemInventoryItems(String, Integer[]) - Method in class Database
Updates the inventory item IDs of a given menu item.
- updateMenuItemName(String, String) - Method in class Database
This method updates the price of a given menu item name
- updateMenuItemPrice(String, float) - Method in class Database
This method updates the price of a given menu item name
- updateStockStatus(int) - Method in class Database
Updates the stock status of menu and food items based on the specified inventory item ID.
- validateFoodItems(int) - Method in class Database
Validates whether a food item is in stock based on its ID.
- validateMenuItems(int) - Method in class Database
Validates whether a menu item is in stock based on its ID.
- viewEmployees(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves all employees from the employees table, with optional pagination based on the provided offset.
- viewFoodItems(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves food item names from the database, with optional pagination support.
- viewInventoryItems(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves a list of inventory items from the database, with an option to offset the results for pagination purposes.
- viewMenuItems(int) - Method in class Database
Retrieves menu item names from the database, with optional pagination support.
- zeroRemaining() - Method in class Database
This method returns all inventory items with a quantity of 0.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages